Sound Money Monthly: (ed.4) Where can we place our trust?

TLDR: The foundations of social trust are being tested. Our unsound monetary system with its negative consequences is a driver of this trust deficit. Communities that adopt sound money assets take a proactive step towards trustworthy relationships and away from the insidious consequences of unsound money. Youtube summary video: Trust – there’s simply not enough … More Sound Money Monthly: (ed.4) Where can we place our trust?

Book Review: The Nihilism, Constraints and Multipolar vision for Geopolitical Alpha

Excellent book where Marko Papic outlines his geopolitical investment framework. An educational and enjoyable read with plenty of examples. Three elements that really struck me; nihilism, constraints and the multipolar vision. Nietzschean Nihilism Marko is a powerfully nihilistic analyst. It makes his research incisive, differentiated, entertaining and valuable. Something to strive towards as an analyst. … More Book Review: The Nihilism, Constraints and Multipolar vision for Geopolitical Alpha