Great to contrast bitcoin’s humble beginnings on a cypherpunk mailing list vs. the institutionally investable $1tn network today. Or perhaps we can contrast the collaborative atmosphere of the early contributors vs. the tribal warfare waged on twitter today. While many things have changed, many have not. Bitcoin scaling, transaction fees, privacy and numerous other topics were debated from the very beginning. Here is a section on wasted energy from bitcoin mining.
I enjoyed reading about the history and anecdotes. For example, the bitcoin faucet, to promote bitcoin adoption. Early miners donated bitcoin to an address, allowing newbies to get BTC5 for nothing. Gavin Andreesen donated BTC1100 to start-up this project!
It was profound to read comments from the founder of this incredible technology. He/she/they was incredibly sharp with a powerful grasp of numerous fields and clear answers to challenging questions proposed by early contributors. Nevertheless, he did not have all the answers. Early contributors were equally important to the bitcoin project. Pete Rizzo argues that, by the time he left, Satoshi was not as all-powerful as many current bitcoiners would think. It was probably necessary that Satoshi walked away, allowing the community to become increasingly decentralized.
Not the best book I have ever written but I would recommend bitcoiners take a look to learn about the early history.