Sound Money Monthly: (ed. 6) Invest capital into a sound future

2020 Sound Money Recap In 2020 we established that “sound money is the challenge and opportunity of our lifetime.” Central banks have pursued aggressively loose monetary policies since the 1970s, trying to solve every problem, social, economic, political or financial, with lower interest rates and debt. They’ve ignored the consequences like deteriorating economic growth, falling … More Sound Money Monthly: (ed. 6) Invest capital into a sound future

Sound Money Monthly: (ed. 5) Central banking is an environmental disaster

TLDR: Central banks positioning themselves as a solution to climate challenges is dangerous. They’ve promoted unsustainable debt fueled consumption for 50 years. Consumption is great but it needs to be based on production otherwise it’s unsustainable and bad for the environment. Micro level policy is futile while unsound money remains. Sound money is the environmentally … More Sound Money Monthly: (ed. 5) Central banking is an environmental disaster

Sound Money Monthly: (ed. 2) “Slang in die Gras” / Snake in the Grass

Have you ever wondered how we managed to accumulate so much debt? In this edition we’ll tackle the causes for the biggest debt bubble in history. You’ll learn about short-termism, interest rates and the feedback into politics. Don’t worry, I have no desire to talk about politicians, elections 2020 or go down the Donald Trump … More Sound Money Monthly: (ed. 2) “Slang in die Gras” / Snake in the Grass