SM (ed. 1) Debt constrains our future

Have you ever wondered why economic conditions are challenging, despite easy access to credit for cars, homes and shopping? In this edition of the Sound Money Monthly we cover one the most important macroeconomic trends, debt. (16 minute read) TLDR: Economic growth, job quality and social mobility are declining. Yet the policy response is the cause … More SM (ed. 1) Debt constrains our future

Sound Money Monthly: (ed. 1) Debt constrains our future prospects

Have you ever wondered why economic conditions are challenging for the man on the street, despite easy access to credit for cars, homes and shopping? In this first edition of the Sound Money Monthly we cover the most important macroeconomic trend, debt. (16 minute read) TLDR: Economic opportunities for the masses and social mobility are declining, … More Sound Money Monthly: (ed. 1) Debt constrains our future prospects

Are we listening?

A personal note. A sunny Saturday afternoon. A beautiful view of Downtown LA, looking South East towards USC. Shouting, screaming, breaking glass… I don’t think it was THAT bad. I HOPE it wasn’t that bad. But the breaking of glass and the screams were certainly loud enough to shake me. I know it’s only anecdotal, … More Are we listening?

Short-termism is the more dangerous pandemic

Covid19 is a trigger that will push a fragile global economy into recession, not the cause. The pending economic conditions are the consequence of poor economic policy and an inability to take difficult decisions, not the virus. Policymakers have favoured short-term patch-work solutions over long-term term sustainable solutions. “Short-termism”, as I like to call it, … More Short-termism is the more dangerous pandemic

Blue Couch

I am the blue couch by the window. Loved, unloved, used, unused; baked in the morning sun. Nowhere I’d rather be Next to the wall, standing on the 4th floor I dream of holding a restless sole I worry about you, leaving I’m comfy, big and blue. Sirens, squeaky neighbour’s upstairs and Hollywood Helicopters keep … More Blue Couch